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Settler's Virtual Reunion

During my research, I have been in email contact with descendants of all three of the Murray sisters -- Sally Ann, Ruth and Cordelia. I think the girls would be pleased!

I look forward to hearing from more of the families that traveled on Joseph Naper's Telegraph. Check back on this page to see who stops by for a visit!


Robert Nelson Murray Family (Ruth's brother "Neddy")

I came across this as I was doing some basic research. I am a direct descendant of John Murray of Naperville (4X great grandson). How was Ruth Murray (subject of your book)related?



Lyman Butterfield Family (Shipmate)

I am writing from Western Wi, Lyman Butterfield is my 4thGGF. If you come across any history on him I would appreciate a direction to go in.



R.N. Murray Family (Ruth's brother "Neddy")

My great great grandfather was William S. Sargent. His sister was Louisa C. Sargent, wife of Robert Nelson Murray. So I kinda have a "shirttail" connection to Ruth.

I also research the names, McKillips, Sweet, Ingalls, Marvin, Earl, & Youngheim, just about all of them are buried in Naperville Cemetery.

Can't wait to read your book :-)

I was born and raised in the City of Chicago. Left in 1974 to farm in Catawba, Wisconsin for 26 years. Sold the farm and retired in Phillips on the lake.

All my best,


Sarah Babbit Family (Ruth's older sister "Sally")

I've only been able to verify back to Emery in Paw Paw, Illinois. The rest I've found on the internet. I believe I saw some Babbitt's in a census from Naperville but it was spelled Babbet and I think they came from Ohio but I haven't been able to verify that they are the same that belong to Emery and Harry. Harry is my grandfather. I'd LOVE to find out more about where they came from and generations before Emery.


Ruth Murray Shattuck Family

Hi I'm Jim. I may have some information that will be helpful to you. I have in my possession a book titled SHATTUCK MEMORIALS NO. II written by Beatrix Marie Larson, copyright May 1977. On page 370 of this book it lists Harlyn Shattuck's marriage to Ruth E. Murray April 1,1843. These are my great grand parents and their 5th child Orris Crosby Shattuck was my grandfather. I'm sure this is the origin of my brother and nephew's name. 


Ruth Murray Shattuck Family

Boy, you are good!  Murray is my husband and was just tickled to get your letter about your upcoming book.  You have the genealogy right and there is a whole lot more if you so desire it.  We would be delighted to help you in any way we can!  We'd both just love to talk with you! 


Murray and Lisa

Cordelia Johnson Family (Ruth's younger sister)

John W. Johnson is the oldest son of my great grandfather Byron Nelson Johnson.  That family history is all I had when I started out to trace the family's roots. I sent it to Naperville.

It was always my understanding that John Murray and Byron Johnson both lived with Ruth and Harlyn Shatuck after Amy died but I see from the census that John Murray was not there at the time of the census.  When Byron married Mary Skittery Lander, John Murray returned to his home with them and lived there until his death.  John W Johnson and James E Johnson were both born in the family home.  After John Murray's death, Byron and family moved to Belvidere where the Shattucks lived.  Phillip Henry Johnson was born at Belvidere, IL and Marian Lorena Johnson was born in Woodbury Cty, IA.  Mary died and Byron remarried Paulina Sabra Ross in 1876.  She and Byron had 4 sons 2 daughters.  My grandmother Gladys was the youngest daughter.


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